
Blog writing #5 ----The Massachusetts State House

Blog writing #5

Ji Mengzhu (Kelly)


This week, we visit “The Massachusetts State House” which is located in Boston. This trip was different from others, because the interpreter gave explanation when we visit each place. From her description, I knew that after the American Revolution, the state leader wanted a larger and more elegant home to better reflect the prosperous new republic, spacious enough to accommodate an expanding government.

Today, the Massachusetts State House is the oldest building on Beacon Hill. The building and its grounds cover 6.7 acres or about two city blocks. Then the interpreter gave us some detailed explanations about each different statue and office. However, what I am interested in is the “House of Representatives”. The Massachusetts Legislature, or General Court, was established in 1644. It has two branches--- the 40member Senate and the 160 member House of Representatives. Also, the Representative can vote electronically by pushing a green “yes” or a red “nay” button on their desks. I think it is quite advance that at that time; the electronic application could be used in the voting. Therefore, that is why I like the “House of Representatives” very much.

In a word, I think I am interested in this trip and like it quite well.

